
Copyright in the UAE refers to the legal protection granted to creators of original works of authorship. It gives creators the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and license their works. This protection applies to various forms of creative expression, such as literary works, artistic works, musical compositions, dramatic works, and audiovisual works. Copyright in the UAE is governed by federal laws that outline the rights of creators, the duration of protection, and the legal remedies available in cases of infringement.

What is Copyright?

Copyright grants creators exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and license their original works of authorship. These works include:

Literary Works

Books, articles, manuals, and computer programs.

Artistic Works

Paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and architectural designs.

Musical Works

Compositions, song lyrics, and musical arrangements.

Dramatic Works

Plays, scripts, and choreography.

Audiovisual Works

Films, videos, and multimedia presentations.

Applied Art

Industrial designs, graphic designs, and textile designs.


Translations of literary and artistic works.

Registering your copyright with the UAE Ministry of Economy provides formal recognition and documentation of your ownership rights, which can be invaluable in cases of infringement disputes.

Advantages of having copyright?

Legal Protection

Copyright grants exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display your creative work. It provides a legal framework to prevent others from using your work without permission.

Financial Rewards

Copyright allows you to monetize your work by licensing it to others for use, reproduction, or distribution. This can generate income through royalties and licensing fees.

Recognition and Attribution

Copyright ensures that you receive proper recognition as the creator of the work. This is important for establishing your reputation and credibility in your field.

Incentive for Creativity

Knowing their work is protected encourages creators to invest time and effort in producing new and innovative works without fear of unauthorized copying or exploitation.

Control over Use

Copyright gives you control over how your work is used and distributed. You can decide where and how your work is published, displayed, or performed.

Legal Recourse

If someone infringes on your copyright, you have legal recourse to seek damages, injunctions, or other remedies through litigation or negotiation.

Long-Term Protection

Copyright protection generally lasts for the lifetime of the author plus a significant period (typically 50 years after the author’s death). This ensures that your work continues to be protected and valued over time.

International Recognition

Copyright protection is recognized internationally through treaties and conventions (such as the Berne Convention), facilitating global enforcement of your rights.

Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Copyright can help preserve cultural heritage by protecting traditional knowledge, folklore, and indigenous creations from unauthorized exploitation or misappropriation.

Encouragement of Investmen

Strong copyright protection fosters investment in creative industries, leading to economic growth, job creation, and technological innovation.

Overall, copyright protection is crucial for fostering creativity, protecting creators’ rights, and promoting a vibrant cultural and economic ecosystem.

Copyright Protection in the UAE

In the UAE, copyright protection is automatic upon the creation of the work and extends to both published and unpublished works. However, registering your copyright with the UAE Ministry of Economy provides additional legal benefits, including proof of ownership and a basis for legal action in case of infringement.


Government Fees

In the UAE, the government fees for copyright registration vary depending on the type of work being registered and the specific circumstances. Generally, the fees are structured as follows:

Registration Fees for Individuals
AED 50 (For Each Writer)
Registration Fees for Companies and Institutions
AED 200 (For Each Company or Institution).
Miscellaneous Fees
There may be other miscellaneous fees related to specific services or requests associated with copyright registration.

Government Fees

In the UAE, the government fees for copyright registration vary depending on the type of work being registered and the specific circumstances. Generally, the fees are structured as follows:

  • Registration fees for individuals : AED 50 ( for each writer).
  • Registration fees for companies and institutions: AED 200 (for each company or institution).
  • Miscellaneous Fees: There may be other miscellaneous fees related to specific services or requests associated with copyright registration.

Key Aspects of UAE Copyright Law



Only original works are eligible for copyright protection. Your work must be your own creation and not a copy of someone else’s.



Copyright protection generally lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 50 years after their death. For works with multiple authors, protection lasts for 50 years after the death of the last surviving author.



The creator or author is usually the first owner of the copyright. In cases where the work is created in the course of employment or under a contract, the employer or commissioning party may own the copyright unless otherwise agreed.



Copyright owners have the exclusive rights to reproduce the work, distribute copies, perform or display the work publicly, and create derivative works based on the original.



Using copyrighted material without permission constitutes infringement. Remedies for infringement may include injunctions, damages, and legal costs.



Be prepared to enforce your copyright rights if infringement occurs. This may involve sending infringement notices, negotiating settlements, or pursuing legal action through the UAE courts if necessary.

How to Protect Your Copyright


While not mandatory, registering your copyright with the UAE Ministry of Economy strengthens your legal protection and establishes a public record of ownership.

Use of Copyright Notices

Displaying © followed by the copyright owner’s name and the year of first publication informs the public about your rights and can deter potential infringers.

Contracts and Licensing

Clearly define rights and permissions through contracts or licensing agreements when granting others permission to use your copyrighted works.

The work Which cannot be Copyright in UAE


Copyright does not protect ideas or concepts themselves, but rather the expression of those ideas in a tangible form. For example, a business idea or a plot idea for a novel cannot be copyrighted.

Facts and Data

Raw facts, data, or information presented without creative expression or original arrangement are typically not eligible for copyright protection. However, the way in which facts are presented or compiled (e.g., in a database or compilation) may be protected if it exhibits sufficient creativity.

Government Works

Works created by government employees in the course of their official duties are often considered public domain and not subject to copyright protection. This includes laws, judicial decisions, and official government documents.

Procedures and Systems

Copyright does not protect methods, procedures, systems, or processes, regardless of how original or innovative they may be. Patents may be more appropriate for protecting such innovations.

Titles and Short Phrases

Titles, names, slogans, and short phrases are generally not eligible for copyright protection. They may be protected under trademark law if they serve as identifiers of goods or services.

Functional Elements

Functional elements of a work that are essential for its operation or use cannot be copyrighted. This includes utilitarian objects, industrial designs, and mechanical systems, which may be protected under other intellectual property rights such as patents or design rights.

Common Knowledge and Stock Elements:

Works that consist primarily of common knowledge, stock elements, or standard symbols that are widely used and lack originality may not meet the threshold for copyright protection.

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